Teodor Terziev
Teodor Terziev


Real Estate Investment Advisor


Dead of Real Estate Investment Advisor


Joined WHISP Health


Tested Re-connect


Left WHISP Health

In 2020 I started a project in the field of proptech. You can read some details about my early steps in startups here.  The goal was to become a startup company. The idea was to scrape the most popular real estate ad sites and automatically calculate the potential ROI of the property based on the rental prices in the same area. The data processing service is build and actually it is still running on my server. I started the project with two formal colleagues but later we had different performance expectations. I think I was too fast. So we decided to quit our relationship and continued the project by myself. Soon I decided to very quickly test the idea and possibly fail. Another guy helped my with Facebook campaign and at this stage I already have a subscription page where our customer had the possibility to pay for the service with SMS. Anyway turns out that there is some interest, we had several subscriptions but they weren’t enough to make me continue the project and yes… being alone in the boat is not very pleasant feeling and I just decided to close the project.


Soon I met with Greta – the founder of WHISP health. So I decided to join their team as they didn’t have technical guy. WHISP is currently ongoing project which future is still unknown.


At some point I felt myself bored and in the beginning of 2022 I started thinking with friend of mine about several projects which are not that technical and more social. Our early tests failed badly but we are still discussing several directions to go from where we are. After a while we decided to abandon the project.
In the summer of 2022 I left WHISP health. First I lost my faith in the project and second our B2B validation failed. I started another daily job which is very challenging and currently I don’t have power and will to deal with my own startup ideas.